The Back-to-School Routine

The Back-to-School Routine

The Back-to-School Routine

Aug 30, 2023

Aug 30, 2023

Aug 30, 2023

As the sun begins to set a bit earlier and the sound of school buses fills the morning air, it's clear that the carefree days of summer are behind us. It's time to transition from beach trips and lazy afternoons to the structured routine of the school year. While we may miss the freedom that summer brings, there's something reassuring about returning to a well-organized schedule that can benefit the whole family.

The Power of Routine

I've always been a firm believer in the power of routine. It provides a sense of order and predictability that can reduce stress and anxiety for both parents and children. Our family thrives in a routine, and it's during the back-to-school season that we find our rhythm once again.

So, how do I organize my week and get back on a schedule that feels good for everyone? Let's dive into some strategies that have helped my family transition into the school routine.

  • Leave the house at the same time every day. 

  • Snack and homework when we get home from school. I know it’s the last thing they feel like doing after school, but we have noticed with my son that if we wait, it’s nearly impossible to get him into homework mode.

  • Prep lunches the night before. This looks different for everyone. By prep, it could be as simple as grabbing the snacks and putting them in their lunch bags. I like to prep any fruits or veggies the night before as well.  

  • For dinners, I like to plan ahead so everyone knows what to expect. I also like to have dinner ready by 6:30, if possible. This still allows time for the “dessert or a snack” and showers.

  • Clothes picked out the night before and ready to go.

Create a Family Calendar

A shared family calendar is a lifesaver. Use it to track everyone's activities, appointments, and important dates. Color-code each family member for clarity. This visual aid will help you avoid scheduling conflicts and ensure everyone is on the same page.

Plan Meals Ahead of Time

Meal planning can save you time and reduce stress during the school week. Dedicate some time each weekend to plan your meals for the week ahead. Prep ingredients, make a grocery list, and even batch-cook if possible. This way, you can enjoy family dinners without the rush. Check out my blog posts about meal planning for more ideas and where to get started.

Homework and Study Spaces

Set up a designated homework and study space at home. Ensure it's quiet, well-lit, and equipped with the necessary supplies. Having a dedicated space helps children focus and encourages good study habits.

Keep Some Flexibility

While routine is essential, don't forget to leave room for flexibility. Life can be unpredictable, and it's important to adapt to unexpected changes gracefully. This flexibility can help reduce stress when unexpected events occur.

The back-to-school season may signal the end of summer's freedom, but it also brings the opportunity to establish a comforting routine. By staying organized and maintaining open communication, you can create a schedule that works for everyone in your family. Embrace the routine, and you'll find that it brings structure, a sense of security, and accomplishment as you navigate the school year together. Here's to a successful and fulfilling school year ahead! Now it's on to all things FALL!!

All the best,



As the sun begins to set a bit earlier and the sound of school buses fills the morning air, it's clear that the carefree days of summer are behind us. It's time to transition from beach trips and lazy afternoons to the structured routine of the school year. While we may miss the freedom that summer brings, there's something reassuring about returning to a well-organized schedule that can benefit the whole family.

The Power of Routine

I've always been a firm believer in the power of routine. It provides a sense of order and predictability that can reduce stress and anxiety for both parents and children. Our family thrives in a routine, and it's during the back-to-school season that we find our rhythm once again.

So, how do I organize my week and get back on a schedule that feels good for everyone? Let's dive into some strategies that have helped my family transition into the school routine.

  • Leave the house at the same time every day. 

  • Snack and homework when we get home from school. I know it’s the last thing they feel like doing after school, but we have noticed with my son that if we wait, it’s nearly impossible to get him into homework mode.

  • Prep lunches the night before. This looks different for everyone. By prep, it could be as simple as grabbing the snacks and putting them in their lunch bags. I like to prep any fruits or veggies the night before as well.  

  • For dinners, I like to plan ahead so everyone knows what to expect. I also like to have dinner ready by 6:30, if possible. This still allows time for the “dessert or a snack” and showers.

  • Clothes picked out the night before and ready to go.

Create a Family Calendar

A shared family calendar is a lifesaver. Use it to track everyone's activities, appointments, and important dates. Color-code each family member for clarity. This visual aid will help you avoid scheduling conflicts and ensure everyone is on the same page.

Plan Meals Ahead of Time

Meal planning can save you time and reduce stress during the school week. Dedicate some time each weekend to plan your meals for the week ahead. Prep ingredients, make a grocery list, and even batch-cook if possible. This way, you can enjoy family dinners without the rush. Check out my blog posts about meal planning for more ideas and where to get started.

Homework and Study Spaces

Set up a designated homework and study space at home. Ensure it's quiet, well-lit, and equipped with the necessary supplies. Having a dedicated space helps children focus and encourages good study habits.

Keep Some Flexibility

While routine is essential, don't forget to leave room for flexibility. Life can be unpredictable, and it's important to adapt to unexpected changes gracefully. This flexibility can help reduce stress when unexpected events occur.

The back-to-school season may signal the end of summer's freedom, but it also brings the opportunity to establish a comforting routine. By staying organized and maintaining open communication, you can create a schedule that works for everyone in your family. Embrace the routine, and you'll find that it brings structure, a sense of security, and accomplishment as you navigate the school year together. Here's to a successful and fulfilling school year ahead! Now it's on to all things FALL!!

All the best,



As the sun begins to set a bit earlier and the sound of school buses fills the morning air, it's clear that the carefree days of summer are behind us. It's time to transition from beach trips and lazy afternoons to the structured routine of the school year. While we may miss the freedom that summer brings, there's something reassuring about returning to a well-organized schedule that can benefit the whole family.

The Power of Routine

I've always been a firm believer in the power of routine. It provides a sense of order and predictability that can reduce stress and anxiety for both parents and children. Our family thrives in a routine, and it's during the back-to-school season that we find our rhythm once again.

So, how do I organize my week and get back on a schedule that feels good for everyone? Let's dive into some strategies that have helped my family transition into the school routine.

  • Leave the house at the same time every day. 

  • Snack and homework when we get home from school. I know it’s the last thing they feel like doing after school, but we have noticed with my son that if we wait, it’s nearly impossible to get him into homework mode.

  • Prep lunches the night before. This looks different for everyone. By prep, it could be as simple as grabbing the snacks and putting them in their lunch bags. I like to prep any fruits or veggies the night before as well.  

  • For dinners, I like to plan ahead so everyone knows what to expect. I also like to have dinner ready by 6:30, if possible. This still allows time for the “dessert or a snack” and showers.

  • Clothes picked out the night before and ready to go.

Create a Family Calendar

A shared family calendar is a lifesaver. Use it to track everyone's activities, appointments, and important dates. Color-code each family member for clarity. This visual aid will help you avoid scheduling conflicts and ensure everyone is on the same page.

Plan Meals Ahead of Time

Meal planning can save you time and reduce stress during the school week. Dedicate some time each weekend to plan your meals for the week ahead. Prep ingredients, make a grocery list, and even batch-cook if possible. This way, you can enjoy family dinners without the rush. Check out my blog posts about meal planning for more ideas and where to get started.

Homework and Study Spaces

Set up a designated homework and study space at home. Ensure it's quiet, well-lit, and equipped with the necessary supplies. Having a dedicated space helps children focus and encourages good study habits.

Keep Some Flexibility

While routine is essential, don't forget to leave room for flexibility. Life can be unpredictable, and it's important to adapt to unexpected changes gracefully. This flexibility can help reduce stress when unexpected events occur.

The back-to-school season may signal the end of summer's freedom, but it also brings the opportunity to establish a comforting routine. By staying organized and maintaining open communication, you can create a schedule that works for everyone in your family. Embrace the routine, and you'll find that it brings structure, a sense of security, and accomplishment as you navigate the school year together. Here's to a successful and fulfilling school year ahead! Now it's on to all things FALL!!

All the best,



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