Surviving a Layoff

Surviving a Layoff

Surviving a Layoff

May 9, 2023

May 9, 2023

May 9, 2023

This felt like a really good place for me to start. I wanted to share the journey I’ve been on for the last few months. Losing your job can be one of the most challenging experiences you can go through. It can leave you feeling hopeless, anxious, and overwhelmed.  But despite the negative emotions that come with it, getting laid off can also be an opportunity for growth, learning, and discovery. It’s a matter of how you choose to reframe it. Don’t get me wrong, there are days when I get caught up in all the negative feelings, but I know I have to push through the hard and find the silver lining. I chose to see this layoff as the gift of time I’ve always wanted. Time to work on myself, time to explore a new creative outlet (the birth of Organized Living 🥰), and time to be more present with my family. What will you do this time?

Here are some tips for surviving a layoff and finding positivity within this gift of time:

Allow Yourself to Feel Your Emotions

It is essential to take time to process your emotions and accept the reality of the situation. Feel all the feelings -  feel upset, frustrated, and even angry. You need to allow yourself to feel these emotions but also make sure not to get stuck in them. 

Evaluate Your Finances

A layoff can be a massive hit to your finances, so it is important to evaluate your budget and make necessary adjustments. Look at your expenses, determine where you can cut back, and create a new budget based on your current income. 

Update Your Resume and LinkedIn Profile

Use this time to update your resume and LinkedIn profile. Highlight your skills, accomplishments, and experience. Make sure to tailor your resume to the type of jobs you are interested in.


Networking is an essential part of finding a new job. Reach out to your contacts, both professional and personal. Let them know you are looking for a new job and ask if they know of any opportunities. Attend networking events and connect with people in your industry.

Learn New Skills

Use this time to learn new skills or improve on existing ones. Take online courses, attend workshops, read personal development books, or volunteer in your community. Learning new skills not only enhances your resume but also keeps your mind engaged and helps you stay positive.

Take Care of Yourself

It is crucial to take care of your physical and mental health during this time. Make sure to get enough sleep, exercise regularly, and eat healthy foods. Take breaks when you need them and do activities that bring you joy. Podcasts have been a HUGE mood lifter for me. It’s all about choosing the one that speaks to you at that moment. Here are a few I love if you’re looking for an upbeat, positive mindset motivational talks: EmpowerHER, Amy Porterfield, Rachel Hollis, etc.

Embrace the Gift of Time

A layoff can give you the gift of time. Use this time to pursue your passions, spend time with family and friends, or just chill! Use this time to discover what makes you happy and what you want to do in your next chapter.

This is all a learning experience. You are not defined by this moment. By taking care of yourself, learning new skills, networking, and embracing the gift of time, you can come out of this experience stronger, wiser, and more positive. Remember that this too shall pass, and you will find a new job even better than the last one. Good things are coming!

All the best,



This felt like a really good place for me to start. I wanted to share the journey I’ve been on for the last few months. Losing your job can be one of the most challenging experiences you can go through. It can leave you feeling hopeless, anxious, and overwhelmed.  But despite the negative emotions that come with it, getting laid off can also be an opportunity for growth, learning, and discovery. It’s a matter of how you choose to reframe it. Don’t get me wrong, there are days when I get caught up in all the negative feelings, but I know I have to push through the hard and find the silver lining. I chose to see this layoff as the gift of time I’ve always wanted. Time to work on myself, time to explore a new creative outlet (the birth of Organized Living 🥰), and time to be more present with my family. What will you do this time?

Here are some tips for surviving a layoff and finding positivity within this gift of time:

Allow Yourself to Feel Your Emotions

It is essential to take time to process your emotions and accept the reality of the situation. Feel all the feelings -  feel upset, frustrated, and even angry. You need to allow yourself to feel these emotions but also make sure not to get stuck in them. 

Evaluate Your Finances

A layoff can be a massive hit to your finances, so it is important to evaluate your budget and make necessary adjustments. Look at your expenses, determine where you can cut back, and create a new budget based on your current income. 

Update Your Resume and LinkedIn Profile

Use this time to update your resume and LinkedIn profile. Highlight your skills, accomplishments, and experience. Make sure to tailor your resume to the type of jobs you are interested in.


Networking is an essential part of finding a new job. Reach out to your contacts, both professional and personal. Let them know you are looking for a new job and ask if they know of any opportunities. Attend networking events and connect with people in your industry.

Learn New Skills

Use this time to learn new skills or improve on existing ones. Take online courses, attend workshops, read personal development books, or volunteer in your community. Learning new skills not only enhances your resume but also keeps your mind engaged and helps you stay positive.

Take Care of Yourself

It is crucial to take care of your physical and mental health during this time. Make sure to get enough sleep, exercise regularly, and eat healthy foods. Take breaks when you need them and do activities that bring you joy. Podcasts have been a HUGE mood lifter for me. It’s all about choosing the one that speaks to you at that moment. Here are a few I love if you’re looking for an upbeat, positive mindset motivational talks: EmpowerHER, Amy Porterfield, Rachel Hollis, etc.

Embrace the Gift of Time

A layoff can give you the gift of time. Use this time to pursue your passions, spend time with family and friends, or just chill! Use this time to discover what makes you happy and what you want to do in your next chapter.

This is all a learning experience. You are not defined by this moment. By taking care of yourself, learning new skills, networking, and embracing the gift of time, you can come out of this experience stronger, wiser, and more positive. Remember that this too shall pass, and you will find a new job even better than the last one. Good things are coming!

All the best,



This felt like a really good place for me to start. I wanted to share the journey I’ve been on for the last few months. Losing your job can be one of the most challenging experiences you can go through. It can leave you feeling hopeless, anxious, and overwhelmed.  But despite the negative emotions that come with it, getting laid off can also be an opportunity for growth, learning, and discovery. It’s a matter of how you choose to reframe it. Don’t get me wrong, there are days when I get caught up in all the negative feelings, but I know I have to push through the hard and find the silver lining. I chose to see this layoff as the gift of time I’ve always wanted. Time to work on myself, time to explore a new creative outlet (the birth of Organized Living 🥰), and time to be more present with my family. What will you do this time?

Here are some tips for surviving a layoff and finding positivity within this gift of time:

Allow Yourself to Feel Your Emotions

It is essential to take time to process your emotions and accept the reality of the situation. Feel all the feelings -  feel upset, frustrated, and even angry. You need to allow yourself to feel these emotions but also make sure not to get stuck in them. 

Evaluate Your Finances

A layoff can be a massive hit to your finances, so it is important to evaluate your budget and make necessary adjustments. Look at your expenses, determine where you can cut back, and create a new budget based on your current income. 

Update Your Resume and LinkedIn Profile

Use this time to update your resume and LinkedIn profile. Highlight your skills, accomplishments, and experience. Make sure to tailor your resume to the type of jobs you are interested in.


Networking is an essential part of finding a new job. Reach out to your contacts, both professional and personal. Let them know you are looking for a new job and ask if they know of any opportunities. Attend networking events and connect with people in your industry.

Learn New Skills

Use this time to learn new skills or improve on existing ones. Take online courses, attend workshops, read personal development books, or volunteer in your community. Learning new skills not only enhances your resume but also keeps your mind engaged and helps you stay positive.

Take Care of Yourself

It is crucial to take care of your physical and mental health during this time. Make sure to get enough sleep, exercise regularly, and eat healthy foods. Take breaks when you need them and do activities that bring you joy. Podcasts have been a HUGE mood lifter for me. It’s all about choosing the one that speaks to you at that moment. Here are a few I love if you’re looking for an upbeat, positive mindset motivational talks: EmpowerHER, Amy Porterfield, Rachel Hollis, etc.

Embrace the Gift of Time

A layoff can give you the gift of time. Use this time to pursue your passions, spend time with family and friends, or just chill! Use this time to discover what makes you happy and what you want to do in your next chapter.

This is all a learning experience. You are not defined by this moment. By taking care of yourself, learning new skills, networking, and embracing the gift of time, you can come out of this experience stronger, wiser, and more positive. Remember that this too shall pass, and you will find a new job even better than the last one. Good things are coming!

All the best,



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