New Year, Improved You

New Year, Improved You

New Year, Improved You

Jan 2, 2024

Jan 2, 2024

Jan 2, 2024

The start of a new year often brings with it a wave of resolutions, promises we make to ourselves in the hopes of becoming the best versions of who we aspire to be. However, the stigma around broken New Year's resolutions has lingered for far too long. It's time to redefine our approach and embrace a mindset of continuous improvement. In this blog post, we'll explore the power of creating healthy habits and taking baby steps toward an improved you.

My Personal Journey:

Exactly three years ago, on January 2, 2021, I decided I had had enough. Tired of the sluggish feeling that plagued my days, I committed to a 100-day workout program. The initial two weeks were the toughest—muscle fatigue, doubts, and the challenge of staying committed without a day off. But I persevered. What started as 14 days turned into 365, and a once-daunting routine became an unbreakable habit.

The Power of Habit Stacking

As 2022 rolled around, I saw an opportunity to build on my success. I embraced the concept of habit stacking, a powerful method to amplify positive behaviors. By adding on to my existing routine, I not only solidified my commitment to daily workouts but also set the stage for accomplishing more.

Never heard of habit stacking? Habit stacking is a powerful technique that involves integrating new behaviors into existing routines, allowing for seamless incorporation of positive habits into daily life. To apply habit stacking, identify a current habit or routine and strategically add a new behavior immediately before or after it. For instance, brewing your daily coffee each morning, stack a brief stretching routine before reaching for that cup – effortlessly weaving healthy habits into your established daily rituals.

Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable:

The key to lasting change lies in getting comfortable with discomfort. As someone who was once the queen of excuses, I learned that true transformation happens outside of our comfort zones. Embrace the challenges, push through the discomfort, and watch how it propels you toward positive change.

Tips for Creating Healthy Habits:

Start Small:
Begin with manageable, achievable goals. Small victories build confidence and momentum.

Consistency is Key
: Commit to your chosen habit daily. Consistency turns actions into habits and habits into lasting change.

Celebrate Progress
: Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements along the way. Recognizing progress fuels motivation.

Find Your Why:
Understand the deeper reasons behind your goals. Connecting emotionally to your objectives makes them more meaningful and sustainable.

Be Adaptable:
Life is dynamic, and so are you. Be open to adjusting your habits to suit your evolving needs and circumstances.

As we approach the new year, let's shift our perspective on resolutions. No longer should they be seen as broken promises, but rather as opportunities for growth and self-improvement. Remember, you are capable of achieving great things. Whatever your vision for the year ahead, these tips can help you create healthy habits that stick, propelling you toward becoming the best version of yourself. Here's to a year of continuous improvement and personal triumphs!

You might be wondering, how does all of this tie back to Organized Living? Well, my vision for OL is to be your companion on the journey toward an organized and healthy life. It's about more than just tidying up spaces; it's about helping you organize your thoughts, your family, and your well-being. Join me in creating routines that foster a happier, more fulfilling life with less stress and more ease. Personal development is my passion, and I'm excited to share my discoveries as we navigate this journey together. Let's embrace organization, prioritize our time, and work towards becoming the best versions of ourselves!

All the best,



The start of a new year often brings with it a wave of resolutions, promises we make to ourselves in the hopes of becoming the best versions of who we aspire to be. However, the stigma around broken New Year's resolutions has lingered for far too long. It's time to redefine our approach and embrace a mindset of continuous improvement. In this blog post, we'll explore the power of creating healthy habits and taking baby steps toward an improved you.

My Personal Journey:

Exactly three years ago, on January 2, 2021, I decided I had had enough. Tired of the sluggish feeling that plagued my days, I committed to a 100-day workout program. The initial two weeks were the toughest—muscle fatigue, doubts, and the challenge of staying committed without a day off. But I persevered. What started as 14 days turned into 365, and a once-daunting routine became an unbreakable habit.

The Power of Habit Stacking

As 2022 rolled around, I saw an opportunity to build on my success. I embraced the concept of habit stacking, a powerful method to amplify positive behaviors. By adding on to my existing routine, I not only solidified my commitment to daily workouts but also set the stage for accomplishing more.

Never heard of habit stacking? Habit stacking is a powerful technique that involves integrating new behaviors into existing routines, allowing for seamless incorporation of positive habits into daily life. To apply habit stacking, identify a current habit or routine and strategically add a new behavior immediately before or after it. For instance, brewing your daily coffee each morning, stack a brief stretching routine before reaching for that cup – effortlessly weaving healthy habits into your established daily rituals.

Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable:

The key to lasting change lies in getting comfortable with discomfort. As someone who was once the queen of excuses, I learned that true transformation happens outside of our comfort zones. Embrace the challenges, push through the discomfort, and watch how it propels you toward positive change.

Tips for Creating Healthy Habits:

Start Small:
Begin with manageable, achievable goals. Small victories build confidence and momentum.

Consistency is Key
: Commit to your chosen habit daily. Consistency turns actions into habits and habits into lasting change.

Celebrate Progress
: Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements along the way. Recognizing progress fuels motivation.

Find Your Why:
Understand the deeper reasons behind your goals. Connecting emotionally to your objectives makes them more meaningful and sustainable.

Be Adaptable:
Life is dynamic, and so are you. Be open to adjusting your habits to suit your evolving needs and circumstances.

As we approach the new year, let's shift our perspective on resolutions. No longer should they be seen as broken promises, but rather as opportunities for growth and self-improvement. Remember, you are capable of achieving great things. Whatever your vision for the year ahead, these tips can help you create healthy habits that stick, propelling you toward becoming the best version of yourself. Here's to a year of continuous improvement and personal triumphs!

You might be wondering, how does all of this tie back to Organized Living? Well, my vision for OL is to be your companion on the journey toward an organized and healthy life. It's about more than just tidying up spaces; it's about helping you organize your thoughts, your family, and your well-being. Join me in creating routines that foster a happier, more fulfilling life with less stress and more ease. Personal development is my passion, and I'm excited to share my discoveries as we navigate this journey together. Let's embrace organization, prioritize our time, and work towards becoming the best versions of ourselves!

All the best,



The start of a new year often brings with it a wave of resolutions, promises we make to ourselves in the hopes of becoming the best versions of who we aspire to be. However, the stigma around broken New Year's resolutions has lingered for far too long. It's time to redefine our approach and embrace a mindset of continuous improvement. In this blog post, we'll explore the power of creating healthy habits and taking baby steps toward an improved you.

My Personal Journey:

Exactly three years ago, on January 2, 2021, I decided I had had enough. Tired of the sluggish feeling that plagued my days, I committed to a 100-day workout program. The initial two weeks were the toughest—muscle fatigue, doubts, and the challenge of staying committed without a day off. But I persevered. What started as 14 days turned into 365, and a once-daunting routine became an unbreakable habit.

The Power of Habit Stacking

As 2022 rolled around, I saw an opportunity to build on my success. I embraced the concept of habit stacking, a powerful method to amplify positive behaviors. By adding on to my existing routine, I not only solidified my commitment to daily workouts but also set the stage for accomplishing more.

Never heard of habit stacking? Habit stacking is a powerful technique that involves integrating new behaviors into existing routines, allowing for seamless incorporation of positive habits into daily life. To apply habit stacking, identify a current habit or routine and strategically add a new behavior immediately before or after it. For instance, brewing your daily coffee each morning, stack a brief stretching routine before reaching for that cup – effortlessly weaving healthy habits into your established daily rituals.

Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable:

The key to lasting change lies in getting comfortable with discomfort. As someone who was once the queen of excuses, I learned that true transformation happens outside of our comfort zones. Embrace the challenges, push through the discomfort, and watch how it propels you toward positive change.

Tips for Creating Healthy Habits:

Start Small:
Begin with manageable, achievable goals. Small victories build confidence and momentum.

Consistency is Key
: Commit to your chosen habit daily. Consistency turns actions into habits and habits into lasting change.

Celebrate Progress
: Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements along the way. Recognizing progress fuels motivation.

Find Your Why:
Understand the deeper reasons behind your goals. Connecting emotionally to your objectives makes them more meaningful and sustainable.

Be Adaptable:
Life is dynamic, and so are you. Be open to adjusting your habits to suit your evolving needs and circumstances.

As we approach the new year, let's shift our perspective on resolutions. No longer should they be seen as broken promises, but rather as opportunities for growth and self-improvement. Remember, you are capable of achieving great things. Whatever your vision for the year ahead, these tips can help you create healthy habits that stick, propelling you toward becoming the best version of yourself. Here's to a year of continuous improvement and personal triumphs!

You might be wondering, how does all of this tie back to Organized Living? Well, my vision for OL is to be your companion on the journey toward an organized and healthy life. It's about more than just tidying up spaces; it's about helping you organize your thoughts, your family, and your well-being. Join me in creating routines that foster a happier, more fulfilling life with less stress and more ease. Personal development is my passion, and I'm excited to share my discoveries as we navigate this journey together. Let's embrace organization, prioritize our time, and work towards becoming the best versions of ourselves!

All the best,



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