5 Meal Planning Tips To Save Time

5 Meal Planning Tips To Save Time

5 Meal Planning Tips To Save Time

May 18, 2023

May 18, 2023

May 18, 2023

Meal planning can be a real game-changer for anyone looking to save time and reduce stress in the kitchen. With a little bit of preparation, you can ensure that you have healthy and delicious meals ready to go throughout the week. Whether you're a busy professional, a parent with a packed schedule, or simply someone who wants to streamline their cooking routine, meal planning is an excellent strategy to consider. In this blog post, we'll share five meal-planning tips that can help you save time and effort while still enjoying tasty and nutritious food. So, let's get started!

  1. Start with a great meal-planning tool! 

    Plug in any special events you may need to adjust your meal plan around (i.e., Party at the Del’s on Saturday-FREE night! Or Harrison’s soccer game Wednesday at 6 pm-crock pot night.)

  2. Create a theme for each day of the week.

    Feel free to mix it up according to your family’s schedule and likes/dislikes. Here are some ideas…

    • Monday - Meatless 

    • Tuesday - Taco Night

    • Wednesday - Slow Cooker

    • Thursday - Breakfast for Dinner

    • Friday - PIZZA (order or make your own!)

    • Saturday - Grill It!

    • Sunday - Soup & Sandwich

  3. Choosing recipes

    • Have a list of your family’s go-to recipes on hand to plug in.

    • Have one or two resources for recipes or inspiration.

      • Gather some recipes on Pinterest. This is a great tool to organize by entree; there are so many at your fingertips.

      • Favorite Cookbooks. I have about 5-6 I constantly reference. If you don’t have much of a collection, here are a few of my all-time faves: Skinnytaste Collection - One & Done, Fast & Slow, Air Fryer Dinners & Meal Prep   

  4. Start plugging in your meals for the week.

    • Go through each recipe and add it to your grocery list. 

    • Make sure to note where to find the recipe so you aren’t scrambling that night trying to find a cookbook recipe on Pinterest!

    • Fill in your grocery list with any other items you need for the house (outside of your recipe needs).

      • I like to organize my list based on the flow of the grocery store. OK, before you judge me, think about it…How many times have you grabbed your produce, made it all the way to the frozen section, then realized you need basil, because it’s at the bottom of your list? If we’re in the time-saving frame of mind, then we have to plan ahead.

  5. Be flexible. Every week won’t always go to plan.

    You may need to move meals around to use an ingredient with an expiring sell-by date. Or you may not be in the mood for tacos this Tuesday - repurpose those same ingredients and make nachos! Or scrap the whole thing and use the ground beef to make meatballs.

Whatever you choose, have fun and keep it simple! 

All the best,



Meal planning can be a real game-changer for anyone looking to save time and reduce stress in the kitchen. With a little bit of preparation, you can ensure that you have healthy and delicious meals ready to go throughout the week. Whether you're a busy professional, a parent with a packed schedule, or simply someone who wants to streamline their cooking routine, meal planning is an excellent strategy to consider. In this blog post, we'll share five meal-planning tips that can help you save time and effort while still enjoying tasty and nutritious food. So, let's get started!

  1. Start with a great meal-planning tool! 

    Plug in any special events you may need to adjust your meal plan around (i.e., Party at the Del’s on Saturday-FREE night! Or Harrison’s soccer game Wednesday at 6 pm-crock pot night.)

  2. Create a theme for each day of the week.

    Feel free to mix it up according to your family’s schedule and likes/dislikes. Here are some ideas…

    • Monday - Meatless 

    • Tuesday - Taco Night

    • Wednesday - Slow Cooker

    • Thursday - Breakfast for Dinner

    • Friday - PIZZA (order or make your own!)

    • Saturday - Grill It!

    • Sunday - Soup & Sandwich

  3. Choosing recipes

    • Have a list of your family’s go-to recipes on hand to plug in.

    • Have one or two resources for recipes or inspiration.

      • Gather some recipes on Pinterest. This is a great tool to organize by entree; there are so many at your fingertips.

      • Favorite Cookbooks. I have about 5-6 I constantly reference. If you don’t have much of a collection, here are a few of my all-time faves: Skinnytaste Collection - One & Done, Fast & Slow, Air Fryer Dinners & Meal Prep   

  4. Start plugging in your meals for the week.

    • Go through each recipe and add it to your grocery list. 

    • Make sure to note where to find the recipe so you aren’t scrambling that night trying to find a cookbook recipe on Pinterest!

    • Fill in your grocery list with any other items you need for the house (outside of your recipe needs).

      • I like to organize my list based on the flow of the grocery store. OK, before you judge me, think about it…How many times have you grabbed your produce, made it all the way to the frozen section, then realized you need basil, because it’s at the bottom of your list? If we’re in the time-saving frame of mind, then we have to plan ahead.

  5. Be flexible. Every week won’t always go to plan.

    You may need to move meals around to use an ingredient with an expiring sell-by date. Or you may not be in the mood for tacos this Tuesday - repurpose those same ingredients and make nachos! Or scrap the whole thing and use the ground beef to make meatballs.

Whatever you choose, have fun and keep it simple! 

All the best,



Meal planning can be a real game-changer for anyone looking to save time and reduce stress in the kitchen. With a little bit of preparation, you can ensure that you have healthy and delicious meals ready to go throughout the week. Whether you're a busy professional, a parent with a packed schedule, or simply someone who wants to streamline their cooking routine, meal planning is an excellent strategy to consider. In this blog post, we'll share five meal-planning tips that can help you save time and effort while still enjoying tasty and nutritious food. So, let's get started!

  1. Start with a great meal-planning tool! 

    Plug in any special events you may need to adjust your meal plan around (i.e., Party at the Del’s on Saturday-FREE night! Or Harrison’s soccer game Wednesday at 6 pm-crock pot night.)

  2. Create a theme for each day of the week.

    Feel free to mix it up according to your family’s schedule and likes/dislikes. Here are some ideas…

    • Monday - Meatless 

    • Tuesday - Taco Night

    • Wednesday - Slow Cooker

    • Thursday - Breakfast for Dinner

    • Friday - PIZZA (order or make your own!)

    • Saturday - Grill It!

    • Sunday - Soup & Sandwich

  3. Choosing recipes

    • Have a list of your family’s go-to recipes on hand to plug in.

    • Have one or two resources for recipes or inspiration.

      • Gather some recipes on Pinterest. This is a great tool to organize by entree; there are so many at your fingertips.

      • Favorite Cookbooks. I have about 5-6 I constantly reference. If you don’t have much of a collection, here are a few of my all-time faves: Skinnytaste Collection - One & Done, Fast & Slow, Air Fryer Dinners & Meal Prep   

  4. Start plugging in your meals for the week.

    • Go through each recipe and add it to your grocery list. 

    • Make sure to note where to find the recipe so you aren’t scrambling that night trying to find a cookbook recipe on Pinterest!

    • Fill in your grocery list with any other items you need for the house (outside of your recipe needs).

      • I like to organize my list based on the flow of the grocery store. OK, before you judge me, think about it…How many times have you grabbed your produce, made it all the way to the frozen section, then realized you need basil, because it’s at the bottom of your list? If we’re in the time-saving frame of mind, then we have to plan ahead.

  5. Be flexible. Every week won’t always go to plan.

    You may need to move meals around to use an ingredient with an expiring sell-by date. Or you may not be in the mood for tacos this Tuesday - repurpose those same ingredients and make nachos! Or scrap the whole thing and use the ground beef to make meatballs.

Whatever you choose, have fun and keep it simple! 

All the best,



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