Finding Moments of Bliss

Finding Moments of Bliss

Finding Moments of Bliss

Aug 15, 2023

Aug 15, 2023

Aug 15, 2023

Life as a mom is a beautiful journey, but it can also be quite hectic. Amid the chaos, it's essential to carve out moments of tranquility for yourself. Here are some simple yet effective ways to find those pockets of relaxation throughout your day and week.

1. Morning Mindfulness: Start your day with a few minutes of mindfulness. Wake up a bit earlier than usual, sit in a quiet space, and focus on your breath. Engage in positive affirmations to set the tone for the day ahead. I know the idea of waking up earlier sounds like a huge ask, but I have found that being the first one up in the morning gives me that time to mentally prepare myself for the day ahead before all of the questions start!

2. Mini Meditation Breaks: Sneak in short meditation breaks during the day. Whether it's a deep-breathing session while the kids play or a quick grounding exercise, these moments can help you stay centered amidst the chaos.

3. Embrace Nature: Take advantage of outdoor time with your children. A leisurely stroll in the park or a simple picnic can provide you with a dose of fresh air and a change of scenery that can work wonders for your stress levels. I love taking the kids for a walk around the neighborhood. 🌞 They tend to ride their bikes, and I follow behind. It’s the act of getting outside, it’s like a giant RESET button.

4. Delegate and Share Responsibilities: Remember, you don't have to do everything alone. Enlist the help of your partner, family members, or even hire a babysitter if needed. Sharing responsibilities lightens the load and frees up some time for self-care.

5. Tech-Free Time: Set aside specific times when you disconnect from your devices each day. Use this time to engage in a hobby, read a book, or simply enjoy a cup of tea without any digital distractions. I tend to do this first thing in the morning. 📖 Instead of turning over and jumping on your phone, get up and start your day. Go downstairs, get yourself a cup of coffee, and get cozy with a book for 15-30 minutes. 

6. Evening Rituals: Establish a calming evening routine. This could include a warm bath/shower, gentle stretching, or a cup of herbal tea. Wind down gradually to signal to your body that it's time to relax. Truthfully, most nights, I definitely don’t need to “signal” to my body that it’s to wind down, I’m 100% ready to crash into bed!

7. Connect with Friends: Schedule regular catch-ups with friends, whether in person or virtually. Sharing your experiences and having a good laugh can be incredibly rejuvenating. This one is EVERYTHING!! Whether it's a good texting session, phone call, or if you’re fortunate enough to meet in person - this one is huge. Catching up with our closest friends is healing to the soul, and it’s something we all need from time to time to feel connected to others outside our four walls. 👩‍❤️‍👩

8. Create a "Me Time" Calendar: Plan regular moments for yourself throughout the week. It could be a solo walk, a creative project, or an exercise class. Treat these appointments with the same importance as any other commitment. This may sound a little silly to schedule your me time; think of it as scheduling an important task. Once a month, I love to do a live workout with local friends. Schedule a coffee date. Schedule some pampering! Just do something for yourself!

9. Prioritize Sleep: As challenging as it might be, aim to get enough sleep. Prioritize a bedtime routine that helps you unwind and ensures you wake up feeling refreshed. Get hour 8 hours in, you need it!

10. Move your body: I saved the best for last. Incorporating exercise into your daily life is a game changer. We all know the health benefits exercise has on your MIND and BODY, so why do we resist it so much? For me, it was a shift in mindset I heard from one of the trainers…”I get to move my body today.” That simple change from “I have to work out today” made all the difference. Don’t we all want to be the happiest and healthiest versions of ourselves? Of course, we do! This is your reminder to start today. Prioritize yourself. Start small. No one says you have to jump into an exercise program or sign up for the gym. Go for a walk. Put on a podcast and zone out on a walk; you will feel amazing!

Remember, self-care isn't selfish; it's essential for your well-being. By integrating these small moments of relaxation into your daily routine, you'll find yourself better equipped to navigate the demands of motherhood with a smile. So, go ahead, embrace these pockets of calm, and let them be your sanctuary in the midst of your bustling world. 🌼🌿 

All the best,



Life as a mom is a beautiful journey, but it can also be quite hectic. Amid the chaos, it's essential to carve out moments of tranquility for yourself. Here are some simple yet effective ways to find those pockets of relaxation throughout your day and week.

1. Morning Mindfulness: Start your day with a few minutes of mindfulness. Wake up a bit earlier than usual, sit in a quiet space, and focus on your breath. Engage in positive affirmations to set the tone for the day ahead. I know the idea of waking up earlier sounds like a huge ask, but I have found that being the first one up in the morning gives me that time to mentally prepare myself for the day ahead before all of the questions start!

2. Mini Meditation Breaks: Sneak in short meditation breaks during the day. Whether it's a deep-breathing session while the kids play or a quick grounding exercise, these moments can help you stay centered amidst the chaos.

3. Embrace Nature: Take advantage of outdoor time with your children. A leisurely stroll in the park or a simple picnic can provide you with a dose of fresh air and a change of scenery that can work wonders for your stress levels. I love taking the kids for a walk around the neighborhood. 🌞 They tend to ride their bikes, and I follow behind. It’s the act of getting outside, it’s like a giant RESET button.

4. Delegate and Share Responsibilities: Remember, you don't have to do everything alone. Enlist the help of your partner, family members, or even hire a babysitter if needed. Sharing responsibilities lightens the load and frees up some time for self-care.

5. Tech-Free Time: Set aside specific times when you disconnect from your devices each day. Use this time to engage in a hobby, read a book, or simply enjoy a cup of tea without any digital distractions. I tend to do this first thing in the morning. 📖 Instead of turning over and jumping on your phone, get up and start your day. Go downstairs, get yourself a cup of coffee, and get cozy with a book for 15-30 minutes. 

6. Evening Rituals: Establish a calming evening routine. This could include a warm bath/shower, gentle stretching, or a cup of herbal tea. Wind down gradually to signal to your body that it's time to relax. Truthfully, most nights, I definitely don’t need to “signal” to my body that it’s to wind down, I’m 100% ready to crash into bed!

7. Connect with Friends: Schedule regular catch-ups with friends, whether in person or virtually. Sharing your experiences and having a good laugh can be incredibly rejuvenating. This one is EVERYTHING!! Whether it's a good texting session, phone call, or if you’re fortunate enough to meet in person - this one is huge. Catching up with our closest friends is healing to the soul, and it’s something we all need from time to time to feel connected to others outside our four walls. 👩‍❤️‍👩

8. Create a "Me Time" Calendar: Plan regular moments for yourself throughout the week. It could be a solo walk, a creative project, or an exercise class. Treat these appointments with the same importance as any other commitment. This may sound a little silly to schedule your me time; think of it as scheduling an important task. Once a month, I love to do a live workout with local friends. Schedule a coffee date. Schedule some pampering! Just do something for yourself!

9. Prioritize Sleep: As challenging as it might be, aim to get enough sleep. Prioritize a bedtime routine that helps you unwind and ensures you wake up feeling refreshed. Get hour 8 hours in, you need it!

10. Move your body: I saved the best for last. Incorporating exercise into your daily life is a game changer. We all know the health benefits exercise has on your MIND and BODY, so why do we resist it so much? For me, it was a shift in mindset I heard from one of the trainers…”I get to move my body today.” That simple change from “I have to work out today” made all the difference. Don’t we all want to be the happiest and healthiest versions of ourselves? Of course, we do! This is your reminder to start today. Prioritize yourself. Start small. No one says you have to jump into an exercise program or sign up for the gym. Go for a walk. Put on a podcast and zone out on a walk; you will feel amazing!

Remember, self-care isn't selfish; it's essential for your well-being. By integrating these small moments of relaxation into your daily routine, you'll find yourself better equipped to navigate the demands of motherhood with a smile. So, go ahead, embrace these pockets of calm, and let them be your sanctuary in the midst of your bustling world. 🌼🌿 

All the best,



Life as a mom is a beautiful journey, but it can also be quite hectic. Amid the chaos, it's essential to carve out moments of tranquility for yourself. Here are some simple yet effective ways to find those pockets of relaxation throughout your day and week.

1. Morning Mindfulness: Start your day with a few minutes of mindfulness. Wake up a bit earlier than usual, sit in a quiet space, and focus on your breath. Engage in positive affirmations to set the tone for the day ahead. I know the idea of waking up earlier sounds like a huge ask, but I have found that being the first one up in the morning gives me that time to mentally prepare myself for the day ahead before all of the questions start!

2. Mini Meditation Breaks: Sneak in short meditation breaks during the day. Whether it's a deep-breathing session while the kids play or a quick grounding exercise, these moments can help you stay centered amidst the chaos.

3. Embrace Nature: Take advantage of outdoor time with your children. A leisurely stroll in the park or a simple picnic can provide you with a dose of fresh air and a change of scenery that can work wonders for your stress levels. I love taking the kids for a walk around the neighborhood. 🌞 They tend to ride their bikes, and I follow behind. It’s the act of getting outside, it’s like a giant RESET button.

4. Delegate and Share Responsibilities: Remember, you don't have to do everything alone. Enlist the help of your partner, family members, or even hire a babysitter if needed. Sharing responsibilities lightens the load and frees up some time for self-care.

5. Tech-Free Time: Set aside specific times when you disconnect from your devices each day. Use this time to engage in a hobby, read a book, or simply enjoy a cup of tea without any digital distractions. I tend to do this first thing in the morning. 📖 Instead of turning over and jumping on your phone, get up and start your day. Go downstairs, get yourself a cup of coffee, and get cozy with a book for 15-30 minutes. 

6. Evening Rituals: Establish a calming evening routine. This could include a warm bath/shower, gentle stretching, or a cup of herbal tea. Wind down gradually to signal to your body that it's time to relax. Truthfully, most nights, I definitely don’t need to “signal” to my body that it’s to wind down, I’m 100% ready to crash into bed!

7. Connect with Friends: Schedule regular catch-ups with friends, whether in person or virtually. Sharing your experiences and having a good laugh can be incredibly rejuvenating. This one is EVERYTHING!! Whether it's a good texting session, phone call, or if you’re fortunate enough to meet in person - this one is huge. Catching up with our closest friends is healing to the soul, and it’s something we all need from time to time to feel connected to others outside our four walls. 👩‍❤️‍👩

8. Create a "Me Time" Calendar: Plan regular moments for yourself throughout the week. It could be a solo walk, a creative project, or an exercise class. Treat these appointments with the same importance as any other commitment. This may sound a little silly to schedule your me time; think of it as scheduling an important task. Once a month, I love to do a live workout with local friends. Schedule a coffee date. Schedule some pampering! Just do something for yourself!

9. Prioritize Sleep: As challenging as it might be, aim to get enough sleep. Prioritize a bedtime routine that helps you unwind and ensures you wake up feeling refreshed. Get hour 8 hours in, you need it!

10. Move your body: I saved the best for last. Incorporating exercise into your daily life is a game changer. We all know the health benefits exercise has on your MIND and BODY, so why do we resist it so much? For me, it was a shift in mindset I heard from one of the trainers…”I get to move my body today.” That simple change from “I have to work out today” made all the difference. Don’t we all want to be the happiest and healthiest versions of ourselves? Of course, we do! This is your reminder to start today. Prioritize yourself. Start small. No one says you have to jump into an exercise program or sign up for the gym. Go for a walk. Put on a podcast and zone out on a walk; you will feel amazing!

Remember, self-care isn't selfish; it's essential for your well-being. By integrating these small moments of relaxation into your daily routine, you'll find yourself better equipped to navigate the demands of motherhood with a smile. So, go ahead, embrace these pockets of calm, and let them be your sanctuary in the midst of your bustling world. 🌼🌿 

All the best,



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