Embracing the Summer Vortex

Embracing the Summer Vortex

Embracing the Summer Vortex

Jul 12, 2023

Jul 12, 2023

Jul 12, 2023

Summer vacation brings with it a whirlwind of excitement, adventure, and a sense of freedom. However, amidst the thrill and joy, it's not uncommon to feel a bit overwhelmed and out of sync. If it's already July 12th and your June calendar is still hanging on for dear life, fear not! This blog post is here to guide you on finding balance and creating a summer routine that allows you to savor every moment while staying on track.

Embrace the Transition:

Transitioning from the structure of everyday life to the more relaxed pace of summer vacation can be challenging. Instead of stressing about the unfinished tasks or feeling behind, embrace the change. Recognize that summer is a unique season, and it's okay to shift gears and adjust your expectations. Give yourself permission to let go of the rigid routines and embrace the more flexible nature of this time. A shift in mindset can make a world of difference.

Reflect and Reset:

Take some time to reflect on your priorities for the summer. What activities, experiences, or goals do you and your family want to focus on? Evaluate what's essential and what can be temporarily set aside. Then, reset by creating a new summer calendar or schedule. Consider incorporating a mix of planned activities and open, unstructured time to allow for spontaneity and relaxation.

Designate Family Time:

Summer vacation offers a wonderful opportunity to connect and create lasting memories with your loved ones. Designate specific family time slots throughout the week to engage in activities together. It could be a weekly outing to the beach, family game nights, or even exploring new hobbies together. 

Prioritize Self-Care:

In the midst of the summer frenzy, it's crucial to prioritize self-care. Carve out moments for yourself to recharge and rejuvenate. Whether it's reading a book, taking a walk, practicing mindfulness, or indulging in a hobby, find activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Remember, taking care of yourself is not selfish but essential for maintaining balance and being fully present for your loved ones.

Create a Summer Bucket List:

Get the whole family involved in creating a summer bucket list. Brainstorm together and list down activities, outings, or experiences that you all want to enjoy during this season. It could be trying new recipes, exploring local parks, planning a weekend getaway, or even stargazing in the backyard. Having a bucket list serves as a roadmap to guide your summer adventures and ensures that you make the most of this time. Check out the Bucket List I’ve created to help spark ideas!

Time Block your To-Do List:
There are going to be things that still need to get done, my answer to this is time blocking. Schedule these items during a point in your day when the kids are settled and self-sufficient. Give yourself 1-2 hours to complete these items and save the rest for another day. Now this may be hard with toddlers, so try for smaller blocks of time to start. Scheduling this time will help you feel accomplished and prepared for the day ahead.

Flexibility and Adaptability:

Stay flexible and embrace spontaneity. Summer vacation often presents unexpected opportunities and surprises. Be open to adjusting your plans or deviating from the schedule when exciting opportunities arise. Spontaneous picnics, impromptu day trips, or spontaneous visits to friends can bring a sense of adventure and make your summer even more memorable.

Practice Mindfulness:

Amidst the flurry of activities, remember to pause and be mindful of the present moment. Engage your senses and truly savor the experiences that summer brings. Whether it's feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin, enjoying the taste of a juicy watermelon, or listening to the laughter of your children, immerse yourself fully in the beauty of each moment.

Finding balance during summer vacation is about embracing the unique rhythm of the season while staying grounded and connected. By reflecting, resetting, and creating a summer routine that prioritizes family time, self-care, and mindfulness, you can navigate the summer vortex with grace and joy. Embrace the spontaneity, make memories, and bring on the summer fun!

All the best,



Summer vacation brings with it a whirlwind of excitement, adventure, and a sense of freedom. However, amidst the thrill and joy, it's not uncommon to feel a bit overwhelmed and out of sync. If it's already July 12th and your June calendar is still hanging on for dear life, fear not! This blog post is here to guide you on finding balance and creating a summer routine that allows you to savor every moment while staying on track.

Embrace the Transition:

Transitioning from the structure of everyday life to the more relaxed pace of summer vacation can be challenging. Instead of stressing about the unfinished tasks or feeling behind, embrace the change. Recognize that summer is a unique season, and it's okay to shift gears and adjust your expectations. Give yourself permission to let go of the rigid routines and embrace the more flexible nature of this time. A shift in mindset can make a world of difference.

Reflect and Reset:

Take some time to reflect on your priorities for the summer. What activities, experiences, or goals do you and your family want to focus on? Evaluate what's essential and what can be temporarily set aside. Then, reset by creating a new summer calendar or schedule. Consider incorporating a mix of planned activities and open, unstructured time to allow for spontaneity and relaxation.

Designate Family Time:

Summer vacation offers a wonderful opportunity to connect and create lasting memories with your loved ones. Designate specific family time slots throughout the week to engage in activities together. It could be a weekly outing to the beach, family game nights, or even exploring new hobbies together. 

Prioritize Self-Care:

In the midst of the summer frenzy, it's crucial to prioritize self-care. Carve out moments for yourself to recharge and rejuvenate. Whether it's reading a book, taking a walk, practicing mindfulness, or indulging in a hobby, find activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Remember, taking care of yourself is not selfish but essential for maintaining balance and being fully present for your loved ones.

Create a Summer Bucket List:

Get the whole family involved in creating a summer bucket list. Brainstorm together and list down activities, outings, or experiences that you all want to enjoy during this season. It could be trying new recipes, exploring local parks, planning a weekend getaway, or even stargazing in the backyard. Having a bucket list serves as a roadmap to guide your summer adventures and ensures that you make the most of this time. Check out the Bucket List I’ve created to help spark ideas!

Time Block your To-Do List:
There are going to be things that still need to get done, my answer to this is time blocking. Schedule these items during a point in your day when the kids are settled and self-sufficient. Give yourself 1-2 hours to complete these items and save the rest for another day. Now this may be hard with toddlers, so try for smaller blocks of time to start. Scheduling this time will help you feel accomplished and prepared for the day ahead.

Flexibility and Adaptability:

Stay flexible and embrace spontaneity. Summer vacation often presents unexpected opportunities and surprises. Be open to adjusting your plans or deviating from the schedule when exciting opportunities arise. Spontaneous picnics, impromptu day trips, or spontaneous visits to friends can bring a sense of adventure and make your summer even more memorable.

Practice Mindfulness:

Amidst the flurry of activities, remember to pause and be mindful of the present moment. Engage your senses and truly savor the experiences that summer brings. Whether it's feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin, enjoying the taste of a juicy watermelon, or listening to the laughter of your children, immerse yourself fully in the beauty of each moment.

Finding balance during summer vacation is about embracing the unique rhythm of the season while staying grounded and connected. By reflecting, resetting, and creating a summer routine that prioritizes family time, self-care, and mindfulness, you can navigate the summer vortex with grace and joy. Embrace the spontaneity, make memories, and bring on the summer fun!

All the best,



Summer vacation brings with it a whirlwind of excitement, adventure, and a sense of freedom. However, amidst the thrill and joy, it's not uncommon to feel a bit overwhelmed and out of sync. If it's already July 12th and your June calendar is still hanging on for dear life, fear not! This blog post is here to guide you on finding balance and creating a summer routine that allows you to savor every moment while staying on track.

Embrace the Transition:

Transitioning from the structure of everyday life to the more relaxed pace of summer vacation can be challenging. Instead of stressing about the unfinished tasks or feeling behind, embrace the change. Recognize that summer is a unique season, and it's okay to shift gears and adjust your expectations. Give yourself permission to let go of the rigid routines and embrace the more flexible nature of this time. A shift in mindset can make a world of difference.

Reflect and Reset:

Take some time to reflect on your priorities for the summer. What activities, experiences, or goals do you and your family want to focus on? Evaluate what's essential and what can be temporarily set aside. Then, reset by creating a new summer calendar or schedule. Consider incorporating a mix of planned activities and open, unstructured time to allow for spontaneity and relaxation.

Designate Family Time:

Summer vacation offers a wonderful opportunity to connect and create lasting memories with your loved ones. Designate specific family time slots throughout the week to engage in activities together. It could be a weekly outing to the beach, family game nights, or even exploring new hobbies together. 

Prioritize Self-Care:

In the midst of the summer frenzy, it's crucial to prioritize self-care. Carve out moments for yourself to recharge and rejuvenate. Whether it's reading a book, taking a walk, practicing mindfulness, or indulging in a hobby, find activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Remember, taking care of yourself is not selfish but essential for maintaining balance and being fully present for your loved ones.

Create a Summer Bucket List:

Get the whole family involved in creating a summer bucket list. Brainstorm together and list down activities, outings, or experiences that you all want to enjoy during this season. It could be trying new recipes, exploring local parks, planning a weekend getaway, or even stargazing in the backyard. Having a bucket list serves as a roadmap to guide your summer adventures and ensures that you make the most of this time. Check out the Bucket List I’ve created to help spark ideas!

Time Block your To-Do List:
There are going to be things that still need to get done, my answer to this is time blocking. Schedule these items during a point in your day when the kids are settled and self-sufficient. Give yourself 1-2 hours to complete these items and save the rest for another day. Now this may be hard with toddlers, so try for smaller blocks of time to start. Scheduling this time will help you feel accomplished and prepared for the day ahead.

Flexibility and Adaptability:

Stay flexible and embrace spontaneity. Summer vacation often presents unexpected opportunities and surprises. Be open to adjusting your plans or deviating from the schedule when exciting opportunities arise. Spontaneous picnics, impromptu day trips, or spontaneous visits to friends can bring a sense of adventure and make your summer even more memorable.

Practice Mindfulness:

Amidst the flurry of activities, remember to pause and be mindful of the present moment. Engage your senses and truly savor the experiences that summer brings. Whether it's feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin, enjoying the taste of a juicy watermelon, or listening to the laughter of your children, immerse yourself fully in the beauty of each moment.

Finding balance during summer vacation is about embracing the unique rhythm of the season while staying grounded and connected. By reflecting, resetting, and creating a summer routine that prioritizes family time, self-care, and mindfulness, you can navigate the summer vortex with grace and joy. Embrace the spontaneity, make memories, and bring on the summer fun!

All the best,



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