A Pre-Birthday Reorganization Guide

A Pre-Birthday Reorganization Guide

A Pre-Birthday Reorganization Guide

Oct 25, 2023

Oct 25, 2023

Oct 25, 2023

Birthdays are undeniably bittersweet for any parent. As we watch our little ones grow, each passing year seems to be a reminder of the passing of time. My firstborn, Harrison, turns 9 today, marking the final year in the single digits. Cue the tears and ugly crying!! It's a milestone that brings a flurry of emotions, from pride in his growth to the inevitable tears in knowing we’re approaching big kid status. Yet, amidst the emotional whirlwind, one silver lining emerges as they grow older – the shift from bulky toys to more manageable-sized gift cards. Hooray!

With the kid's toys downsizing and gift cards taking center stage, it's a perfect time to embark on a reorganization venture. Let's face it: toy clutter can quickly spiral out of control, turning a once-charming playroom into a chaotic maze of plastic and plush. As we approach the upcoming holiday season, there's no better time to reclaim your space and restore some order in your children's domain. Here’s your ultimate guide to sorting, selling, donating, and reorganizing your kids' toys, ensuring a clutter-free haven for everyone.

Sort with Strategy
Begin by sorting toys into categories – keep, donate, sell, or discard. Encourage your children to participate, teaching them the importance of giving to others in need.
Evaluate your "keeps" with your storage space. Does the current space make sense for your storage needs? Are fabric bins working? Would clear bins work better? Is there a better way to keep order within a bin?
Next, sort your keep pile into categories that make the most sense - i.e. legos, fidget toys, nerf guns, etc. This step is going to help you later on when you label each basket/bin.

Here are a few links to some of my favorite storage solutions for kids:
Plastic Mesh Zipper Pouch
9 Cube Storage Unit
Wicker Storage Baskets or Fabric Storage Bins
Clip-On Basket Labels
Over the Door Organizer for Lovies

Donate with Purpose
: Reach out to local charities, shelters, local preschools, or organizations that support children in need. Giving away toys can be a valuable lesson in empathy and generosity for your kids. We’ve donated several items to my kids preschool. They loved this because they knew the toys would continue to be loved for years to come.

Sell for a Purposeful Purge: Consider hosting a yard sale or selling toys online. Let your kids be a part of the process, allowing them to earn a little extra pocket money or save for something they truly desire. I love Facebook Marketplace for this exact reason! Toys are repurposed and given the chance to be loved once again! 

Reorganize for Accessibility
: Invest in storage solutions that encourage tidiness and accessibility. Label boxes and shelves to instill a sense of responsibility in maintaining the organized space. I have found this to help in the clean-up process, taking all the guesswork out of, “Which bin does it go in?”

Encourage Gift Cards: As your children grow older, encourage the trend of gift cards or experiences over material gifts. It minimizes clutter and fosters a sense of anticipation and excitement for something they truly desire.

Embrace Minimalism: Encourage a culture of quality over quantity. Emphasize the value of experiences and cherished possessions, steering away from the overwhelming allure of an excess of toys. This one is my favorite!! A lesson in mindful purchases choosing quality items over the excess of junk.

Reorganizing their toys becomes more than just a chore; it becomes an opportunity to teach gratitude, empathy, and the importance of staying organized. As we cherish the memories of their growing years, let’s ensure that the physical spaces they inhabit reflect the same joy and order that we wish for their future. Happy reorganizing and happy birthday/holidays to your little ones!

All the best,



Birthdays are undeniably bittersweet for any parent. As we watch our little ones grow, each passing year seems to be a reminder of the passing of time. My firstborn, Harrison, turns 9 today, marking the final year in the single digits. Cue the tears and ugly crying!! It's a milestone that brings a flurry of emotions, from pride in his growth to the inevitable tears in knowing we’re approaching big kid status. Yet, amidst the emotional whirlwind, one silver lining emerges as they grow older – the shift from bulky toys to more manageable-sized gift cards. Hooray!

With the kid's toys downsizing and gift cards taking center stage, it's a perfect time to embark on a reorganization venture. Let's face it: toy clutter can quickly spiral out of control, turning a once-charming playroom into a chaotic maze of plastic and plush. As we approach the upcoming holiday season, there's no better time to reclaim your space and restore some order in your children's domain. Here’s your ultimate guide to sorting, selling, donating, and reorganizing your kids' toys, ensuring a clutter-free haven for everyone.

Sort with Strategy
Begin by sorting toys into categories – keep, donate, sell, or discard. Encourage your children to participate, teaching them the importance of giving to others in need.
Evaluate your "keeps" with your storage space. Does the current space make sense for your storage needs? Are fabric bins working? Would clear bins work better? Is there a better way to keep order within a bin?
Next, sort your keep pile into categories that make the most sense - i.e. legos, fidget toys, nerf guns, etc. This step is going to help you later on when you label each basket/bin.

Here are a few links to some of my favorite storage solutions for kids:
Plastic Mesh Zipper Pouch
9 Cube Storage Unit
Wicker Storage Baskets or Fabric Storage Bins
Clip-On Basket Labels
Over the Door Organizer for Lovies

Donate with Purpose
: Reach out to local charities, shelters, local preschools, or organizations that support children in need. Giving away toys can be a valuable lesson in empathy and generosity for your kids. We’ve donated several items to my kids preschool. They loved this because they knew the toys would continue to be loved for years to come.

Sell for a Purposeful Purge: Consider hosting a yard sale or selling toys online. Let your kids be a part of the process, allowing them to earn a little extra pocket money or save for something they truly desire. I love Facebook Marketplace for this exact reason! Toys are repurposed and given the chance to be loved once again! 

Reorganize for Accessibility
: Invest in storage solutions that encourage tidiness and accessibility. Label boxes and shelves to instill a sense of responsibility in maintaining the organized space. I have found this to help in the clean-up process, taking all the guesswork out of, “Which bin does it go in?”

Encourage Gift Cards: As your children grow older, encourage the trend of gift cards or experiences over material gifts. It minimizes clutter and fosters a sense of anticipation and excitement for something they truly desire.

Embrace Minimalism: Encourage a culture of quality over quantity. Emphasize the value of experiences and cherished possessions, steering away from the overwhelming allure of an excess of toys. This one is my favorite!! A lesson in mindful purchases choosing quality items over the excess of junk.

Reorganizing their toys becomes more than just a chore; it becomes an opportunity to teach gratitude, empathy, and the importance of staying organized. As we cherish the memories of their growing years, let’s ensure that the physical spaces they inhabit reflect the same joy and order that we wish for their future. Happy reorganizing and happy birthday/holidays to your little ones!

All the best,



Birthdays are undeniably bittersweet for any parent. As we watch our little ones grow, each passing year seems to be a reminder of the passing of time. My firstborn, Harrison, turns 9 today, marking the final year in the single digits. Cue the tears and ugly crying!! It's a milestone that brings a flurry of emotions, from pride in his growth to the inevitable tears in knowing we’re approaching big kid status. Yet, amidst the emotional whirlwind, one silver lining emerges as they grow older – the shift from bulky toys to more manageable-sized gift cards. Hooray!

With the kid's toys downsizing and gift cards taking center stage, it's a perfect time to embark on a reorganization venture. Let's face it: toy clutter can quickly spiral out of control, turning a once-charming playroom into a chaotic maze of plastic and plush. As we approach the upcoming holiday season, there's no better time to reclaim your space and restore some order in your children's domain. Here’s your ultimate guide to sorting, selling, donating, and reorganizing your kids' toys, ensuring a clutter-free haven for everyone.

Sort with Strategy
Begin by sorting toys into categories – keep, donate, sell, or discard. Encourage your children to participate, teaching them the importance of giving to others in need.
Evaluate your "keeps" with your storage space. Does the current space make sense for your storage needs? Are fabric bins working? Would clear bins work better? Is there a better way to keep order within a bin?
Next, sort your keep pile into categories that make the most sense - i.e. legos, fidget toys, nerf guns, etc. This step is going to help you later on when you label each basket/bin.

Here are a few links to some of my favorite storage solutions for kids:
Plastic Mesh Zipper Pouch
9 Cube Storage Unit
Wicker Storage Baskets or Fabric Storage Bins
Clip-On Basket Labels
Over the Door Organizer for Lovies

Donate with Purpose
: Reach out to local charities, shelters, local preschools, or organizations that support children in need. Giving away toys can be a valuable lesson in empathy and generosity for your kids. We’ve donated several items to my kids preschool. They loved this because they knew the toys would continue to be loved for years to come.

Sell for a Purposeful Purge: Consider hosting a yard sale or selling toys online. Let your kids be a part of the process, allowing them to earn a little extra pocket money or save for something they truly desire. I love Facebook Marketplace for this exact reason! Toys are repurposed and given the chance to be loved once again! 

Reorganize for Accessibility
: Invest in storage solutions that encourage tidiness and accessibility. Label boxes and shelves to instill a sense of responsibility in maintaining the organized space. I have found this to help in the clean-up process, taking all the guesswork out of, “Which bin does it go in?”

Encourage Gift Cards: As your children grow older, encourage the trend of gift cards or experiences over material gifts. It minimizes clutter and fosters a sense of anticipation and excitement for something they truly desire.

Embrace Minimalism: Encourage a culture of quality over quantity. Emphasize the value of experiences and cherished possessions, steering away from the overwhelming allure of an excess of toys. This one is my favorite!! A lesson in mindful purchases choosing quality items over the excess of junk.

Reorganizing their toys becomes more than just a chore; it becomes an opportunity to teach gratitude, empathy, and the importance of staying organized. As we cherish the memories of their growing years, let’s ensure that the physical spaces they inhabit reflect the same joy and order that we wish for their future. Happy reorganizing and happy birthday/holidays to your little ones!

All the best,



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