5 Tips for Layering in Change

5 Tips for Layering in Change

5 Tips for Layering in Change

May 11, 2023

May 11, 2023

May 11, 2023

Developing healthy habits is something that many of us strive for, but it can be challenging to make lasting changes. We often try to implement new habits all at once (i.e., The infamous New Year’s resolution to exercise every day, eat clean, stop biting my nails, etc.). Still, this approach can be overwhelming and, quite frankly, not sustainable. Layering in change is a helpful strategy for creating healthy habits that stick.

Layering in change involves gradually introducing new behaviors or habits over time rather than trying to change everything all at once. This approach allows us to build on our successes and make incremental progress toward our goals. Here are some tips for layering in change to create a healthy habit:

1. Start Small

When introducing a new habit, start with a small, achievable goal. For example, if you want to start a regular exercise routine, begin by committing to 10 minutes of exercise per day. This small goal is more manageable and less intimidating than trying to start with a full 30-minute workout. (Another example is if you want to start eating better, begin by committing to eating a healthy breakfast every day for a week.)

2. Build on Your Success

Once you have successfully implemented your small habit change, build on it by gradually increasing the time or intensity of your new behavior. For example, after consistently exercising for 10 minutes per day, increase to 15 minutes or add in more challenging exercises. (For example, after consistently eating a healthy breakfast for one week, add another healthy meal into the routine. 

3. Be Patient

Creating a healthy habit takes time and patience. It's important to remember that change doesn't happen overnight. Be gentle with yourself and celebrate your successes along the way. Remember that the reason you’re doing this is to make your life better - progress over perfection!

4. Keep it Simple

When layering in change, it's important to keep things simple. Focus on one habit change at a time and avoid overwhelming yourself with too many changes at once. As you successfully integrate one habit, you can begin layering in additional changes.

5. Stay Accountable

Accountability can be a powerful tool for creating healthy habits. Consider finding an accountability partner or using a habit-tracking app to help you stay on track.

Ready to add exercise to your daily habits? Here are some tips on how to get started:

  1. Commit to 10 min. Of exercise per day. Check out YouTube, Pinterest, TikTok, or just Google - easy and effective at-home or at-work exercises you can do without any equipment. You can keep it super simple with the classic crunches or push-ups

  2. Increase your time to 15 min. Or add in more challenging exercises.

  3. Add in some light weights or resistance bands for some added intensity and to mix things up. Exercise doesn’t have to be boring or a hassle. Keep it interesting, and I guarantee you won’t lose focus.

  4. If you still need more inspo or want to try something new, sign up for a membership. This can mean joining a gym, incorporating some yoga classes, or joining a virtual gym from the comfort of your own home. I’ve been a Beachbody (now BODi) member since 2016 and swear by the programs-they take out all the guesswork! If you have questions about BODi, message me for details on how to get started. 

By layering in change, you can create healthy habits that last. By starting small, building on our success, being patient, keeping things simple, and staying accountable, you can make incremental progress toward your goals and create lasting change. Remember, change takes time, but with patience and persistence, you can achieve your goals and create healthy habits that stick.

All the best,



Developing healthy habits is something that many of us strive for, but it can be challenging to make lasting changes. We often try to implement new habits all at once (i.e., The infamous New Year’s resolution to exercise every day, eat clean, stop biting my nails, etc.). Still, this approach can be overwhelming and, quite frankly, not sustainable. Layering in change is a helpful strategy for creating healthy habits that stick.

Layering in change involves gradually introducing new behaviors or habits over time rather than trying to change everything all at once. This approach allows us to build on our successes and make incremental progress toward our goals. Here are some tips for layering in change to create a healthy habit:

1. Start Small

When introducing a new habit, start with a small, achievable goal. For example, if you want to start a regular exercise routine, begin by committing to 10 minutes of exercise per day. This small goal is more manageable and less intimidating than trying to start with a full 30-minute workout. (Another example is if you want to start eating better, begin by committing to eating a healthy breakfast every day for a week.)

2. Build on Your Success

Once you have successfully implemented your small habit change, build on it by gradually increasing the time or intensity of your new behavior. For example, after consistently exercising for 10 minutes per day, increase to 15 minutes or add in more challenging exercises. (For example, after consistently eating a healthy breakfast for one week, add another healthy meal into the routine. 

3. Be Patient

Creating a healthy habit takes time and patience. It's important to remember that change doesn't happen overnight. Be gentle with yourself and celebrate your successes along the way. Remember that the reason you’re doing this is to make your life better - progress over perfection!

4. Keep it Simple

When layering in change, it's important to keep things simple. Focus on one habit change at a time and avoid overwhelming yourself with too many changes at once. As you successfully integrate one habit, you can begin layering in additional changes.

5. Stay Accountable

Accountability can be a powerful tool for creating healthy habits. Consider finding an accountability partner or using a habit-tracking app to help you stay on track.

Ready to add exercise to your daily habits? Here are some tips on how to get started:

  1. Commit to 10 min. Of exercise per day. Check out YouTube, Pinterest, TikTok, or just Google - easy and effective at-home or at-work exercises you can do without any equipment. You can keep it super simple with the classic crunches or push-ups

  2. Increase your time to 15 min. Or add in more challenging exercises.

  3. Add in some light weights or resistance bands for some added intensity and to mix things up. Exercise doesn’t have to be boring or a hassle. Keep it interesting, and I guarantee you won’t lose focus.

  4. If you still need more inspo or want to try something new, sign up for a membership. This can mean joining a gym, incorporating some yoga classes, or joining a virtual gym from the comfort of your own home. I’ve been a Beachbody (now BODi) member since 2016 and swear by the programs-they take out all the guesswork! If you have questions about BODi, message me for details on how to get started. 

By layering in change, you can create healthy habits that last. By starting small, building on our success, being patient, keeping things simple, and staying accountable, you can make incremental progress toward your goals and create lasting change. Remember, change takes time, but with patience and persistence, you can achieve your goals and create healthy habits that stick.

All the best,



Developing healthy habits is something that many of us strive for, but it can be challenging to make lasting changes. We often try to implement new habits all at once (i.e., The infamous New Year’s resolution to exercise every day, eat clean, stop biting my nails, etc.). Still, this approach can be overwhelming and, quite frankly, not sustainable. Layering in change is a helpful strategy for creating healthy habits that stick.

Layering in change involves gradually introducing new behaviors or habits over time rather than trying to change everything all at once. This approach allows us to build on our successes and make incremental progress toward our goals. Here are some tips for layering in change to create a healthy habit:

1. Start Small

When introducing a new habit, start with a small, achievable goal. For example, if you want to start a regular exercise routine, begin by committing to 10 minutes of exercise per day. This small goal is more manageable and less intimidating than trying to start with a full 30-minute workout. (Another example is if you want to start eating better, begin by committing to eating a healthy breakfast every day for a week.)

2. Build on Your Success

Once you have successfully implemented your small habit change, build on it by gradually increasing the time or intensity of your new behavior. For example, after consistently exercising for 10 minutes per day, increase to 15 minutes or add in more challenging exercises. (For example, after consistently eating a healthy breakfast for one week, add another healthy meal into the routine. 

3. Be Patient

Creating a healthy habit takes time and patience. It's important to remember that change doesn't happen overnight. Be gentle with yourself and celebrate your successes along the way. Remember that the reason you’re doing this is to make your life better - progress over perfection!

4. Keep it Simple

When layering in change, it's important to keep things simple. Focus on one habit change at a time and avoid overwhelming yourself with too many changes at once. As you successfully integrate one habit, you can begin layering in additional changes.

5. Stay Accountable

Accountability can be a powerful tool for creating healthy habits. Consider finding an accountability partner or using a habit-tracking app to help you stay on track.

Ready to add exercise to your daily habits? Here are some tips on how to get started:

  1. Commit to 10 min. Of exercise per day. Check out YouTube, Pinterest, TikTok, or just Google - easy and effective at-home or at-work exercises you can do without any equipment. You can keep it super simple with the classic crunches or push-ups

  2. Increase your time to 15 min. Or add in more challenging exercises.

  3. Add in some light weights or resistance bands for some added intensity and to mix things up. Exercise doesn’t have to be boring or a hassle. Keep it interesting, and I guarantee you won’t lose focus.

  4. If you still need more inspo or want to try something new, sign up for a membership. This can mean joining a gym, incorporating some yoga classes, or joining a virtual gym from the comfort of your own home. I’ve been a Beachbody (now BODi) member since 2016 and swear by the programs-they take out all the guesswork! If you have questions about BODi, message me for details on how to get started. 

By layering in change, you can create healthy habits that last. By starting small, building on our success, being patient, keeping things simple, and staying accountable, you can make incremental progress toward your goals and create lasting change. Remember, change takes time, but with patience and persistence, you can achieve your goals and create healthy habits that stick.

All the best,



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